Stale Bakery Re-Freshed on 150 Wildey

A Photo of a Custom Aluminum Storefront in Tarrytown, New York.


Custom Gamco Storefront

150 Wildey Street
Tarrytown, New Jersey


Welcome to the transformation of a bakery storefront in New Jersey, which was once seemingly stuck in the nostalgic embrace of the 1980s. However, with the passage of time, wear and tear had left its mark on the establishment. The outdated glass-to-glass corner was not only showing signs of sagging but also creating gaps that allowed unwanted drafts to infiltrate the cozy interior.

Recognizing the need for a rejuvenation, WindowFix stepped in as the savior of this charming bakery. Armed with a commitment to delivering excellence, we took on the challenge of providing a modern and energy-efficient solution to the storefront’s architectural ailments.

To give the bakery a breath of fresh air, WindowFix decided to implement a customized thermally broken aluminum framing system sourced from the reputable Gamco Corp. This state-of-the-art system was meticulously chosen for its exceptional performance, as it featured high-quality double pane Low-E glazing, designed to maximize energy efficiency and reduce heat transfer. By incorporating this advanced glazing technology, the bakery could now embrace eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness while keeping the interior at an ideal temperature.

The corner, which had long suffered from the effects of time, was also not overlooked during this extensive makeover. In a thoughtful move to restore symmetry and harmony, a brand new post was skillfully added to realign the opening. This simple yet strategic adjustment worked wonders, breathing new life into the storefront and enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal.

After the WindowFix team’s dedicated efforts, the bakery storefront now stands as a testament to the successful marriage of innovation and tradition, muck like our other storefront projects. With its level, square, and plumb appearance, it exudes an air of elegance and sophistication that captivates the attention of passersby. The once-dated exterior has been rejuvenated into a vibrant and welcoming facade, beckoning customers to step inside and savor the delightful treats that await them.

The transformation of this New Jersey bakery was not just about revitalizing an old storefront; it was a journey of breathing new life into a cherished local establishment. WindowFix’s commitment to excellence and attention to detail has not only bestowed the bakery with a refreshed look but also bestowed it with enhanced energy efficiency and comfort. Thanks to this remarkable transformation, the bakery is now ready to embrace the future while cherishing its proud past.

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Are You Ready to Increase the Value of Your Property?

Celebrating Excellence!

We at WindowFix are thrilled to announce that we have received the prestigious Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award for one of our outstanding storefront projects. A heartfelt congratulations to our very own Paul Mulcahy and our WindowFix team for this achievement.

WindowFix has been and continues to be a key player in preserving many of New York City’s historic landmarks. Take a moment to learn more about our work and this remarkable award-winning project.