100% Efficient Fire Rated Windows For Stairways


Fire Rated Self Closing Windows

64-20 Saunders St. (The California)
43-24 43rd St. (The Life Building)


Theses two New York City buildings were in need of fire-rated self closing windows that met the fire code.

The California is an apartment building located in Rego Park, Queens. It was built in 1950 and has six stories with 150 units.

The Life 43 is also an apartment building, located in Sussnyside Queens. It was built in 1942  six stories with 60 units.

Through a fruitful collaboration between JRS Architects and Optimum Window, WindowFix embarked on a commendable mission, crafting innovative fire rated window designs that seamlessly align with the stringent mandates of the NYC Fire Code for hallways and stairwells within various structures. 

Our dedication remains steadfast, and our extensive expertise has enabled us to conceive window solutions that expertly balance practical functionality with unwavering safety.

Our joint efforts have found remarkable expression in a prominent project: The Life Building. Within this distinctive architectural marvel, our creativity manifested in the form of an ingenious fire rated double-hung window configuration, meticulously tailored to harmonize with the intricate specifications outlined by the NYC Fire Code.

The intricate system we’ve devised not only guarantees intuitive operation and simplified maintenance but also serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest safety standards. 

By incorporating this design, our intention was to infuse the building’s interiors with a fusion of aesthetic opulence and pragmatic convenience, thus enhancing the quality of life for its occupants.

In another significant endeavor, The California Building, we made a strategic decision to employ a blend of fixed and outward-projecting fire rated windows. This decision was rooted in our meticulous understanding of the structure’s architectural intricacies and functional requisites.

This dynamic interplay between fixed and outward-projecting windows strikes an optimal equilibrium between safety and adaptability, allowing for optimal airflow and ventilation while steadfastly adhering to the stringent fire safety protocols dictated by regulations.

In an unwavering commitment to occupant safety, every relevant window in both The Life Building and The California Building proudly features an NYC Board of Health (BOH)-endorsed Limit Open Device. 

This innovative mechanism serves as a proactive safeguard against unintended falls, further enhancing the overarching safety framework.

By seamlessly integrating this endorsed device into our fire rated window designs, we provide a reassuring protective layer for both inhabitants and building administrators, underscoring the adherence of our fire rated windows to essential safety statutes and tangibly mitigating potential mishaps.

Across these two architectural landmarks—comprising The Life Building and The California Building—a total of 70 openings and 120 units have been meticulously crafted to impeccably align with the NYC Fire Code. 

Our collaborative synergy shines through, flexibly accommodating the unique requirements of each structure while embracing the imperatives of safety and regulation.

Throughout this collaborative journey, our collective endeavor transcended the boundaries of mere compliance, striving to harmonize the exacting parameters of the NYC Fire Code with the overarching architectural visions of each property.

The fusion of our architectural acumen with the precision of cutting-edge window engineering has given rise to a remarkable symbiosis that rejuvenates these structures.

This infusion endows them with enhanced functional finesse, elevated fire and fall safety standards, and an aesthetic resonance that seamlessly blends with their surroundings.

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Are You Ready to Increase the Value of Your Property?

Celebrating Excellence!

We at WindowFix are thrilled to announce that we have received the prestigious Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award for one of our outstanding storefront projects. A heartfelt congratulations to our very own Paul Mulcahy and our WindowFix team for this achievement.

WindowFix has been and continues to be a key player in preserving many of New York City’s historic landmarks. Take a moment to learn more about our work and this remarkable award-winning project.